Monday, November 12, 2012

It's Power--Not Gender--That Can Predict Infidelity

In light of the recent news with General Petraeus, I was wondering what is it about all of these men who cheat. It turns out that it has little to do with their gender, according to research by Psychology Today and more to do with power. We might expect infidelity from powerful people in the entertainment industry-- think athletes, musicians, actors--it is almost a part of their persona. But, when it comes to politicians and military leaders, we seem to have a different expectation . . . a higher threshold for acceptable behavior. But, I'm not sure why we're still surprised when we see these men embarrassing themselves and their families. Petraeus is just the most recent in a long line of men who get caught . . . Schwarzenegger, Clinton, Woods, Weiner, Edwards and the Waffle House CEO (didn't see that one coming, did you?) to name a few. It turns out, that powerful women are just as likely to be unfaithful to their partners but, as the Psychology Today piece points out, they are more infrequently discovered because they are more infrequently in powerful positions. Or maybe, they're just better at hiding it?

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